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hey mate, loving the new additions - is there an alternate to the iconic interiors that’s available these days by chance?


Thanks for the compliment!

Each of my "Home" style tilesets has its own unique interior. You can find links to each one in the Cozy Village Bundle. And my Steampunk Manor tileset also has a different interior:

Hope you can find what you need!

okay got ya, thanks!

Amazing work, which I have been meaning to use for a while. Can you tell me if it works with Tiled?

Yes, I use Tiled to create my mockups. There's even a sample Tiled map included with this asset 👍

Thank you for your answer. If I may ask another question, are there plans for an overworld map, by any chance?

I would like to someday, but the reality is it may not even happen this year, as I have a few other big projects in the works. There are a lot of great creators on the site making good stuff, though. I've put together a collection of quality overworld map tilesets that might work well alongside Mana Seed assets:

I hope you can find something that works for you!

Thank you very much for the recommendations!

I'm looking foward to the big projects you have mentioned, success!

These are great! Is there a single palette you use for all the assets you make, or are there different ones for different assets

Each tileset has its own palette, but I try to maintain some guidelines to keep it all looking SNES-y.