Interiors Update 2.0

With this free update, I have taken the full interiors pack (previously sold separately) and combined it into this one. This pack now contains both full exteriors and full interiors, complete with some castle-appropriate furnishings. This update is free to anyone who's already purchased it. Enjoy!


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Jul 19, 2024

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I purchased the interiors pack as a standalone but now I can't seem to find it in my purchases anymore, is that normal?

The standalone product page will be repurposed for a new product.

I see! So how can I access my purchase?

Wait, are you saying you purchased Castle Interiors, but not Iconic Castle?

I did, like a couple days before it changed 😅

(1 edit)

Oh, I'm sorry, I just assumed everyone who bought the interiors already had the exteriors. Did you not download the files?