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Hey there! This is amazing!! Just wondering, is there a possibility to have this in 8 directions? I feel like having the extra directions would give more flexibility to the horsey ;)

Yay, finally, we have a horse! 

Curious why there's no white, black, gray horse, just brown colors?

(1 edit)

I've included one black, two gray, and one white. If you don't like my variants, you're welcome to make any kind of recolors you want for your game. But bear in mind: if you want the value range in your palettes to look good, and work well with the rest of the art, you're limited in how dark or how bright your colors can be, and how deep the contrast between each step on the color ramp.

There's a series of 3- and 4-color ramps found in the Farmer Sprite System if you feel like experimenting with different hues without losing the Mana Seed touch 👍

I see, that's nice to hear, thank you for clarification!