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Would love stuff specifically for godot!

I started setting up all my tilesets with evenly sliceable sheets specifically for Godot ๐Ÿ‘

Hey Seliel, what an awesome tileset collection ! Do you know when it would be available for Godot ?

Most of my tilesets are already setup in this way.

Question! This is a unity bundle obviously. Do you have anything similar if I was to use it in RPG Maker MZ? Bundle wise. I'm assuming the tilesets themselves I can turn into RMMZ format, and was originally going to purchase this one to get them all in a single purchase, but I'm assuming by your disclaimer that I wouldn't be able to simply open them in photoshop haha.


Hello ! If i buy the Full Mana Seed Collection on Ko-fi, can i have the new update of the assets free or i need to pay ?

Yes, if you buy on ko-fi or itchio, you will get future updates for free ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘

Hello, I purchased "Make A Farming Sim Bundle" an can see that This give me a Special promotion for This pack The full Tileset Collection (Cf Screen)

However, when I click on, I can see the Following screen and can't download The promoted asset.

Is there Something special to do ? 

I've never seen that screen before, but I think the way itchio has set this up is kind of confusing. It's probably telling you about the Unity Tileset Collection unlock promotion because the asset you're looking at (Fences & Walls) is one of the required assets to unlock the promotion. Unfortunately, as you can see on the second screenshot, ownership of many more assets than Fences & Walls is required to unlock the Unity Tileset Collection.

That unlock promotion only exists to allow people who already own all my tilesets to collect the Unity package for free. It's not intended as a purchasing incentive. If you want the Unity Tileset Collection, it's much more affordable to just buy the Unity Tileset Collection than it is to buy every single tileset separately. Or maybe it would be cheaper for you to look at the list and buy the tilesets you don't yet own? I don't know what you've already got.

Alright, I understand. The way it's presented is indeed confusing, but that's not your fault.

I already have the "Make A Farming Sim Bundle." and the "The Mana Seed "Character Base".

The assets Iโ€™m missing are actually cheaper to buy individually than getting the full pack.

In any case, I love your work ! When I first bought the pack, I thought I wouldn't be able to use it and was surprised by the layering system. I initially thought I would have to request a refund, but now that I understand how to use it, Iโ€™m absolutely a fan of the result.

You are an artist ! :)

That's great to hear! Glad you discovered how to unlock its potential ๐Ÿฅณ

(1 edit)

Hey, I just recently noticed the package is not available on Unity Asset Store anymore. Is that because you opted to support it through here? I have purchased it on Unity, by the way.

If you can send me some proof of purchase from when you bought it on the Unity store, I can give you a download key to access it here. My email is on this page.

Interested in purchasing this but I wanted to ask if you plan on ever formatting these tilesets so programs like RPG maker can utilize them (assuming they are currently not formatted in that way). Either way this is hands down the best asset pack I have seen on this site so great job! 

Sorry, I have no plans to explicitly support RPG Maker. It would require me to redraw all of my autotiles and animations to meet RM's restrictive standards.

That being said, there's nothing stopping you from using my stuff in RM right now, plenty of devs are doing so. It will just require you to understand your version's requirements, and either edit my tile arrangement or utilize plugins.


I have a question regarding how the tiles are sliced. Are they sliced by item (i.e. a full table would become a single sprite) or is everything just sliced in 16x16 grid.

Simple answer? Yeah, they're sliced at the appropriate size, so you can drop full pieces of furniture, rocks, trees, etc, right into your map.

But some objects have multiple variants and are meant to be mixed and matched or arranged deliberately. There's a set of tables specifically that are sliced at 16x16 because you can customize the length and width of the table. Beds are sliced into two segments, rather than one, so you can have one part go in front of the player sprite when it moves into the bed. They're just sliced intelligently.


Okay, sounds great. Thanks! ๐Ÿ‘.


How much would I love to have income...


A very cool looking pack for an incredibly reasonable sale price! I jumped right on it before I realised it was a Unity pack, and I am not developing in Unity atm. Oops :( I really want to add these assets to the character pack I bought from you!


Never mind! I installed Unity and unpacked the assets myself. Feeling sheepish.

Good job ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘