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Deleted 91 days ago

Absolutely! The dirt and grass is from my Summer Forest tileset, and the fence is from my Fences & Walls pack.

the animation of the character throwing seeds and pickin up the veggies is included or that's in a different set? 

If you need a farmer character, please look at my "Farmer Sprite System". This asset only includes the crops.

Yes! I bought that some time ago and found it! Thanks! Epic work my friend! 

Sorry if this was mentioned somewhere, but are these 16x16 tiles? If so I think I might be picking up a whole bunch, these are lovely :)

Yes, all my tilesets are built on a 16x16 framework. Though many of the crops are 2 tiles high (16x32) in the later stages of growth.

I'm confused, did i get the right pack? I bought 1 and 2, there's an icon called "giant veggies 2" and it only has one veggie, but it has gaps like there was supposed to be more on it? And a lot of the others have these big empty spaces like there was supposed to be more on it


You're fine. I often include strategic empty space to allow for future updates without screwing up implemented assets.

Sorry to bother you, I have repeatedly purchased Farming Crops #2, and I hope to refund the duplicate purchase, I hope you will accept it.


I don't have any control over refunds, unfortunately. Can you please contact itchio support? They'll take care of it.

I have contacted paypal and they will contact you。

Sorry for your trouble, I only refund for repeated purchases, I have purchased from you many times, if necessary, I will buy again next time。

Not PayPal, itch. You haven't given me any money yet. Itch holds the funds for 7 days before I can even request a withdrawal. You need to contact itch support. Please cancel your PayPal ticket...

Farming crops 2 says it needs a password to access the page


Ah, that was a mistake. I removed the link. Farming Crops 2 is currently a patron exclusive. It'll be available to the public next month.

Oh, thanks, i'll be waiting :')

These are great, thank you :)

You're very welcome 🤗

Is there a good way to turn these into individual images? I can't use a slicer because they vary in size.

(1 edit) (+1)

Maybe make a copy then slice one at 16x16, the other at 16x32, then delete the ones that are the wrong size?


Do you have any plans on adding more crops? I would love to buy (even at a higher price) but need more crops! Great art work. Love it.


Yeah, I definitely have plans to add more. I have a list. I'll be including seeds for each one as well. Not sure when it's going to happen, but it's on my to-do list.


If/When you get around to updating this one, another great addition would be to add a Un-Hoed, Hoed, and Watered Dirt Square that fits into each of your 4 seasonal art sets. This will make this set mesh very well with your collection! really loving your recent stuff!


I really like that idea too. Would be nice for farming gameplay.