Mana Seed Hero Base Beta Preview

Work on the Mana Seed Hero Base is in full swing! Though it may yet be a few months before it's ready for the public. In the meantime, I'll be sharing usable portions as an exclusive benefit to my monthly subscribers on Patreon and Ko-fi.

The Hero Base is a combat-focused sprite base designed explicitly for epic action RPGs, with appropriate body language to match. It will eventually have animations to support a full array of different weapon types. As of now, the only animations available are the standing frame (pictured), and the walk and run animations, in all 4 directions, but the beta files will be updated as more animations are added.

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Worth noting, because I'm sure people are going to ask: the Hero Base will be a true base, just a naked body with a bunch of animations. The intended use is for you to choose the animations you want for your character and then draw (or hire someone to draw) a unique outfit/hair/weapon on top of it. The Hero Base will not come with a bunch of swappable outfits and hairstyles like the Farmer Sprite System.